"All We Need is Transparency in Salary" — with Rebecca Amsellem & Virgile Raingeard
Team 50inTech
⚡ The What I Really Really Want Bootcamp is a free online programme on negotiation designed by 50inTech for women in tech. Train to negotiate that better salary, that raise or promotion with international experts!
⚡ You missed Rebecca and Virgile's masterclass or want to watch it over and over again? Here is the replay! 👇
👋 Let's continue our discussions here after listening to Rebecca Amsellem, Founder at Les Glorieuses & feminist activist and Virgile Raingeard, Founder at Figures & former HRD at Comet⚡️
Some of our favourite quotes:
“The gender pay gap begins when entering the company and with the first salary."
“We shouldn't ask women to negotiate more their salary and place the problem on them. The problem is definitely systemic and not individual.”
“Raise the salaries of the jobs where women are more numerous than men. Integrate women at the table of negotiation. If women aren’t on the table, then they’re on the menu.”
“Structured processes and transparency are the solutions to fix the system and reduce salary inequalities.”
👇 Ask your Questions or give your Answers! 👇
💡 DYK that ≈ 71% of men would only change jobs if it includes an increase in salary, whereas the case is ≈ 20% for women?